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We’re taking a dive into the world of Scotland’s super-rich



We’re taking a dive into the world of Scotland’s super-rich

Scotland’s economy usually forms a backdrop to conversations about poverty and cuts.

But it’s important to remember when we talk about inequality, there’s a bottom and there is a top.

We’re peeling back the lid on the eccentric millionaires who can be spotted racing sports cars through Highland glens, looking at the billions that flow through this country every year and some of the unexpected things going on behind the scenes in the country’s lucrative tourism industry.

It is a journey that will take us from the rainforests of Ecuador, to motorhome drivers relieving themselves in the woods around Inverness.

It explores the links between Danish biodomes and a Ross-shire shooting suite and takes a look at how the world of Edinburgh finance provided some of the great villains of the 2008 credit crunch.

Finally, a disclaimer. This mini-series is just that; a mini-series. We cannot hope to have set out the full extent of the super-rich and their place in Scottish society. This is not an exhaustive list of topics and hopefully, there will be more in a similar vein as we come into 2025.

These are just some of the most interesting bits to pick over as you recover from the last year.

We hope it gets you thinking about the money flowing through, under and over Scotland and its role in making the country tick.

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