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Sir Keir Starmer in Greenock to deliver Labour’s six pledges to Scotland



Sir Kier has been joined by Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar and the party’s Inverclyde general election candidate Martin McCluskey.

Labour’s six steps for change in Scotland include delivering economic stability, cutting NHS waiting times, making work pay, creating jobs and opportunities for young people, and maximising Scotland’s influence.

1.           Deliver economic stability with tough spending rules, so we can grow our economy and keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible.

2.           Cut NHS waiting times by investing in our NHS and funding 160,000 additional appointments every year in Scotland, paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes.

3.           Set up Great British Energy a publicly owned clean power company, to create good jobs and cut bills for good, paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

4.           Make work pay with a New Deal for Working People that will ban exploitative zero-hour contracts, end fire and rehire and deliver a genuine living wage.

5.           Create jobs and opportunities for young people by improving access to apprenticeships, supporting first-time buyers and creating 69,000 Scottish jobs in the clean energy industries of the future.

6.           Maximise Scotland’s influence using the UK’s global trade networks to promote Scottish businesses, boost exports and attract investment to create jobs.

These policies were described as ‘a down payment’ on Labour’s determination to begin a decade of national renewal.

Anas Sarwar described this as ‘an opportunity we cannot afford to miss’.

Keir Starmer said: “For too long Scotland has been failed by this out of touch and incompetent Tory government – but change is possible with Labour.

“Labour will deliver a decade of national renewal and the steps set out today are our down payment on that promise.

“From cutting bills to boosting pay to protecting the NHS, the Labour government I lead will be on your side and relentlessly focussed on the issues that matter to you.

“Scotland can do more than send a message at this election – you can send a Labour government with Scotland’s voice at its heart.”

Anas Sarwar said: “This rotten Tory government offers Scotland nothing but more decline and failure.

“Scottish Labour is relentlessly focused on the issues that matter to Scotland.

“These ambitious pledges are the cornerstone of Labour’s plans to transform our country and deliver a decade of national renewal.

“By delivering economic stability, cutting NHS waiting lists, driving down bills, boosting wages and creating jobs Labour can deliver the change Scotland needs.

“Every vote for Scottish Labour is a vote for change and a vote to put Scotland’s voice at the heart of government.

“This is an election is an opportunity that Scotland cannot afford to miss.

“This is the change that Scotland needs and together, we can deliver it.”

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