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Scottish fishermen warn industry is at risk of being ‘crushed’



Scottish fishermen warn industry is at risk of being ‘crushed’

While negotiations around EU rights and quotas are reserved to the UK government, management of fisheries is devolved to Holyrood.

The Scottish government said it would always seek to secure the “best possible outcome” for access to fisheries.

A spokesperson said: “We fully understand the need to balance the growth of the offshore renewables sector with continued investment in Scotland’s fisheries, seafood and wider marine sectors and the communities and jobs which rely on them.

“We will need to make the right choices about how we develop and use Scotland’s marine space sustainably.

“We will continue to engage closely with the fishing industry, as key partners, in developing those plans.”

A spokesperson for the UK government’s department for environment, food and rural affairs said it would seek to tear down unnecessary trade barriers.

They added: “We are working closely with both the fishing and offshore wind industries to balance their needs and identify opportunities for space sharing, whilst also restoring and protecting the environment.”

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