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Scotland wins bid to host World Agritourism Conference in 2026



Scotland’s farmers will showcase their diversified businesses after winning a bid to host the World Agritourism Conference in 2026.

The announcement was made in Bolzano, Italy at a gathering of world leaders in agritourism, who represent the recently formed Global Agritourism Network.

The international conference will showcase the diversity and growth of Scotland’s agritourism sector on a world stage and it’s expected that up to 1,000 delegates will attend.

A range of Scottish cultural activities will be offered throughout the programme along with the opportunity to taste the best of Scotland’s farm produce.

Pre and post conference tours, ranging from one to 10 days in length, have been developed which will welcome delegates on to farms and crofts across Scotland.

One hundred free scholarship places will be made available for visitors from developing countries to attend the conference with Scottish farmers opening their homes to host scholars post conference.

Lisa Chase, chair of the Global Agritourism Network, said Scotland had demonstrated many features to deliver an extremely strong bid.

This included a key focus on showcasing food and drink from agritourism farms, both on farm and throughout conference menus.

She said: “The review team felt delegates would be interested in learning about the diversity of quality agritourism businesses on offer, Scotland’s connected agritourism network, the 2030 national strategy and growth ambition and monitor farms programme.

“The offer of agritourism businesses to showcase Scottish hospitality and to open their doors throughout all of Scotland during the pre and post tour as well as the offer to support one hundred scholars made the bid very compelling.”

Vicki Miller, director of marketing VisitScotland, said the announcement marked an important milestone in Scotland’s reputation as an agritourism destination.

“We’ve been working closely with businesses to help develop and market those unique and authentic experiences we know visitors are seeking and that many of our country’s farms and crofts are perfectly placed to offer.

“This conference will now help showcase that work to delegates across the world, creating opportunities to share learnings while allowing attendees to enjoy Scotland’s famous hospitality, delicious farm produce and unmissable agritourism offering.”

The main conference will take place at the P&J Live, in Aberdeen, from 23-25 June, with a pre-conference programme in the Edinburgh area to include a visit to the Royal Highland Show.

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