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New research highlighting benefits of active travel projects in Scotland published



New research highlighting benefits of active travel projects in Scotland published

Increased rates of active travel and the impact of this on physical health and emission reductions can only be a good thing. 
Not only does the latest report highlight huge support for walking, wheeling and cycling across Scotland, it also evidences the clear value of continued investment in active travel delivery programmes such as Places for Everyone. 
Karen McGregor, Scotland Director for Sustrans, said:  
‘This report is the most comprehensive evaluation of Places for Everyone yet, with powerful insights and evidence into the wide ranging benefits investment in active travel is delivering.’
‘It’s encouraging to see greater numbers of people choosing to walk, wheel or cycle for everyday journeys alongside evidence that both casualty rates and emissions are reducing as a result of Places For Everyone-backed projects across the country.’

‘Making it easier to travel actively is a key part of creating a healthier Scotland. Not only are these new links protecting lives with safer environments to walk, wheel or cycle in, but these insights also show the potential for cleaner air and healthier, more prosperous communities unlocked when people are put at the heart of investment.’
‘Communities across Scotland want more opportunities to walk, wheel and cycle for their journeys – and this report shows they have the confidence to make the switch when we deliver safe, accessible and inclusive infrastructure.’ 

‘The Scottish Government and Scotland’s local authorities are already playing a vital role in making this a reality for more people. I am delighted to see more evidence that decision-makers have the backing of the public to build on this further.’

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