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‘Legend’s time to step up’ or ‘cheap gamble’ – Hibs reaction



‘Legend’s time to step up’ or ‘cheap gamble’ – Hibs reaction

Beefy: I love the man and he’s as handsome as they come. But I am slightly nervous about his lack of experience in the top role. Would have been happier if he had gone elsewhere to learn the trade first.

Robin: We went this route with Yogi Hughes, Paatelainen, Collins and Sauzee – all fantastic players and we know how they ended up. The club seems to be focused on fantastic facilities and corporate. The fans want a seat, pie and Bovril and a successful team. The top brass don’t seem to be on the same page. Hate to say Hearts have better business heads.

Bill: Terrible choice of manager. Surely the club could have thought outward and shown ambition to select a higher calibre of manager. There are plenty in the market who would have been better placed to take on the reigns.

Derek: Not sure why someone is employed by a club simply for scoring a goal. I think his presence was a distraction for the coaches who were in charge. I also think Malky Mackay will overpower him.

Rian: If I had not already purchased my season ticket, I am afraid I would not do so. David Gray was defensive coach last season and we all know how that went. Our director of football appointment is a disgrace looking at his past problems and I am afraid this is a decision that the club will regret. Relegation may be on the horizon.

Greg: You shouldn’t appoint a legend unless he’s done a good job elsewhere first to prove himself. If we’re sat 12th in the table in December, do we give him more time and risk relegation again, or do we sack him, thus ruining a legend’s legacy? There were plenty of good options out there, but it appears they want someone inexperienced they can control.

Mark: All of us, as Hibs fans, like David Gray, but this feels like a cop out. The club seems to have a problem with appointing proven managers. We keep appointing guys who have just been sacked, haven’t managed at a decent level, or haven’t managed at all. A three-year contract is a bit long as well. Having said that, having Malky Mackay there could help.

John: This is a totally underwhelming and easy choice – and was expected from the Hibs board who have yet again failed the fans. The fact that no-one of any stature was interested in the job says it all. David Gray was part of the problem and not the solution over the last five managers, yet stayed on and is given a three-year deal.

Colin: Another error for me. Massive and essentially cheap gamble. Familiarity breeds contempt as they say. We needed a fresh perspective from someone not associated with the club. This is all too cosy and comfortable for the hierarchy. Essentially, Ben Kensell is the true problem here. Until he goes, Hibs will continue to struggle.

Stevie: I’m not overly enamoured by the appointment as I don’t want his legacy to be spoiled if things don’t go well. Hibs fans will back him as he is a Hibs legend, but fans probably wanted a more exciting appointment and someone with more experience and fresh ideas.

Danny: Every Hibee loves Sir David Gray. But what is this appointment? He’s taken charge of 12 games in total and not exactly wowed in those. He may well be a top manager one day, but Hibs need someone experienced who can hit the ground running. Big questions over why Malky Mackay was hired too – the justification was to oversee new manager search and then it’s internal.

Gary: Club has made a ridiculous appointment of a club legend who has no managerial experience whatsoever. A caretaker role on a few occasions is not adequate. We fear the worst again. A rookie manager is ludicrous.

Alex: Like most Hibees, I love Sir David Gray and will back him 100%. However, he is an uninspiring choice and I fear that Malky Mackay will be in charge by Christmas. Poor squad that will deliver hee haw.

Scott: As far as I’m concerned, David Gray was part of the problem. He has been a defensive coach for the last few managers and the defence has been the worst part of the team by miles. Yes, he is a legend at the club for that Scottish Cup goal, but I can see it ending in tears quite quickly.

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