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Commonwealth Games: Glasgow missing out on £100m event would be ‘travesty’



Commonwealth Games: Glasgow missing out on £100m event would be ‘travesty’

Furthermore, it said that not capitalising on in excess of £100m of investment from the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) would be “short-sighted” and called on Holyrood to act quickly.

“The decision to host the Games has been sitting with the Scottish government since May,” said Ian Reid, the chair of CGS.

“And we have worked tirelessly to address all questions and concerns raised across the past few months. However, the window of opportunity is fast closing.

“It would be a travesty if instead of grabbing the opportunity of over £100m investment, we chose to let it go and instead be left needing to find millions elsewhere to upgrade public facilities.

“A decision over the coming weeks is critical. We believe the concept is a no brainer and we are calling on the government to not waste the unique opportunity which is in front of us.”

BBC Sport Scotland has approached the Scottish government for comment.

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