Careers campaign helps make skills a top priority in Scotland
The campaign is co-ordinated by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), which delivers Scotland’s careers service in schools, in centres, communities and online.
Delivered through the theme “Shape the Future”, the week highlights that great career support helps people of all ages find their passion and thrive.
While Scotland’s employers rely on fresh talent to support their growth ambitions, the careers service is crucial to this supply of talent, keeping people informed of the roles and industries across the country.
For employers who want to back the campaign, Skills Development Scotland has created an online hub on My World of Work, featuring ideas on how to get involved and with free resources.
The campaign is now in its fourth year and in previous years some employers have used the week as an opportunity to promote the career development opportunities offered to employees – whether it’s through training, work experience, mentoring, apprenticeships, CPD or career progression.
The campaign hub also has links to events for employers taking place across the week.
Many schools and colleges are keen to create stronger links with local employers, to help their students get an insight into different industries.
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Scotland is hosting a free online event, “Get Started with DYW”, on Tuesday, November 12, that can help employers successfully make connections to inspire young people.
By engaging with young people in education, businesses and organisations can help them to understand and develop the skills needed to succeed in the world of work. The training workshop is designed to support individuals who currently engage with or would like to engage with young people in schools and colleges, or in the workplace.
The webinar aims to increase confidence in engaging with young people, providing top tips on planning and delivering activities in schools or colleges.
Scottish Chambers of Commerce, mentoring programme MCR Pathways and Skills Development Scotland are hosting an in-person employer event on Thursday, November 14.
This event recognises the essential role that employers play in supporting career choices to alleviate current and projected skills shortages that constrain economic growth.
The event will take place at MCR Pathways’ base at the Mitchell Library, where the Scottish Chambers of Commerce will share its latest insights on workforce challenges and opportunities.
Attendees will also learn about the work MCR Pathways is leading to build motivation, resilience, and confidence in tomorrow’s workforce. The event will also include a helpful and enjoyable networking lunch.
Another way for businesses to back Scottish Careers Week is to get involved in the #ShapeTheFuture social media campaign.
During the week, people are being encouraged to share one decision they could make today to shape their future, to help inspire others to reflect on their future and take action. People in business can post an image, video or some words sharing a decision they will make today that could make a positive impact to the future of their career.
Employers can share what they’re doing to support career development and attract and inspire new talent, feature employees making decisions to advance their careers, sign up to employer-related events and activities taking place during Scottish Careers Week, or host their own event to profile careers and opportunities at their organisation.
Ahead of Scottish Careers Week, SDS is also supporting business by offering access to the very latest labour market information.
The new series of Regional Skills Assessments and Sectoral Skills Assessments are now available, providing a detailed picture of the labour market to support skills investment, along with current and future skills demand.
Published annually, the assessments cover all Regional Outcome Agreement areas, City and Growth Deal Regions and Rural Scotland, plus all of Scotland’s key and growth sectors.
There is an additional series of summary graphics and a new report on Scotland’s Labour Market Drivers. This provides an overview of the drivers expected to have the greatest influence on Scotland’s labour market outlook.
For more information about Scottish Careers Week 2024 and to register for events visit the campaign hub on My World of Work at
The Regional and Sectoral Skills Assessments are all available at